Legal notice

Legal Notice and Data Protection Policy of

One. Object

This Legal Notice and Data Protection Policy sets out the conditions of use of the legal portal which makes available to Internet users through its various Web pages.
The fact of continuing the navigation by this Portal or the use of any of the proposed services will suppose the acceptance of the present conditions.

Two: Conditions of access to the Portal

The contents and services included and offered in this Web site are not directed to those persons residing in those jurisdictions where they are not authorized. the User undertakes to make proper use of the Portal in accordance with the Law and this Legal Notice.
The User undertakes to make correct use of the Portal in accordance with the Law and this Legal Notice.
Access to the Portal is free of charge, and the user is solely responsible for the costs arising from the cost of access to the Network.
However, some part of the Portal may involve access to paid services, as indicated before accessing them.

Three Limitation of liability.

Although those responsible for the portal make every effort to ensure that the contents of the Portal or third parties included in it, are free of any error, the owner of the Portal is not responsible or ensures its accuracy, suitability or the consequences arising from the use of these.
Similarly, the contents of this Portal are of a general nature and do not constitute, in any way, the provision of a service of a legal nature, so that the information contained is not sufficient for the taking of any personal or business decision by the user.
The owner of the Portal is not responsible for the existence of viruses, worms, or any other equivalent element, being the user solely responsible for providing the necessary mechanisms to prevent the verification of damage to their equipment or information systems.

Four. Intellectual and Industrial Property.

This website is protected by current legislation on the protection of intellectual and industrial property. The contents that can be found on the Portal, including but not limited to texts, photographs, graphics, images, icons, technology, software, links and other audiovisual or sound content, as well as their graphic design and source codes, are the intellectual property of valencia and vazquez cb or of third parties, and none of the exploitation rights over them can be understood to be transferred to the User beyond what is strictly necessary for the correct use of the Portal.
If you consider that you are entitled to any rights over the contents of the Portal, please contact those responsible for it through this email in order to be removed from the site.

Fifth. Links to the Portal

The introduction of links to the portal is allowed, however these must point directly to the home page in a complete way.
In order to establish any other type of link, the interested party must have the written authorization of the Portal administrators.
It is strictly forbidden, regardless of the type of link to the Portal, to establish frames,
frames or any other mechanism that allows the visualization of the contents through another site other than the Portal.

Sixth. Applicable legislation.

The terms and conditions that govern the Portal, as well as the relations that may derive are protected and subject to Spanish law. For the resolution of any dispute, litigation or discrepancy that may arise between the user and for the use of the Portal, it is agreed to submit them to the Courts and Tribunals of Madrid.

In Madrid, 4 October 2013

+34 91 250 00 40